Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Progress continues

Again, my apologies for not keeping posts up to date. Jon's bedsores continue to improve. The biggest sore on his bottom is completely healed and the other is improving. It had a lot more tunneling and so it is taking long to heal. Still has the wound vac on it. Some days when I'm there it seems like hardly anything is moving through the tube. Yesterday, it was more visible. The dressing on his leg keeps getting smaller which means it is healing also. He goes to the wound doctor tomorrow so I should have a more complete report the next time I post.

He continues to be in bed all the time but yesterday was sitting up higher than before. The Center had said they would come after his chair but so far we seem to have missed connections. Talked with the nurse last night and she said she would see what the hold-up has been. Jon has permission to be in his chair for a couple of hours a day.

He had been getting some occupational therapy and they were working on being able to do more of the work in getting his shirt on. Had also been sitting on the side of the bed for ten minutes at a time balancing by himself. However, Jon had been switched from Medicaid to Medicare A and used all the sessions that were allowed so therapy was discontinued. The staff should be working to see if he can be switched to a different level of Medicare so they can resume.

Jon continues to be in fairly good spirits and there are no complaints from the staff which is good news. He is relying on the tube feeding and being picky about what he eats -- not good news! He can take phone calls and would really like to hear from people.

Thanks for checking in....

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