Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Listing of Things

I thought I’d change my reporting today and just list the things I learned

While visiting Liberty West:

none of the 3 I was talking with were working yesterday so they didn’t know if he was unresponsive when he left

they were stunned to learn he was as sick as he is

his catheter had been changed at the end of May

they had a urinalysis done a little over a week ago and no abnormalities were found

I got a copy of his meds to take to the hospital--they asked about it last night but had not called to have it sent over yet

the bedsore on his leg is tunneling quite a bit and some go to the while the perimeter is getting smaller the depth is not improving.

While talking with nurses at St. V.’s:

Jon’s vital signs are normal and stable

when not sedated Jon is very unhappy with all the tubing and paraphernalia that goes with it--when he realized I was there he mouthed “take it out, now!”--we heard that lots right after the accident

when mildly sedated he can move on command and answer yes/no questions

at this time when asked about pain he said yes so they gave him a mild pain killer--had just administered that before I got there so he didn’t realized I was there

I observed that he can thrash his body quite well-especially when thoroughly frustrated!

his color is returning and he looks so much better

they cut his hair! I have been meaning to do that for two months but couldn’t figure out how to do that while he was flat on his back. They did it just before changing his sheets--it looks pretty nice

they aren’t using a wound vac...their wound nurse changed the type of dressing being used which is okay. if I remember correctly sometimes what is needed is a chang-up in the treatment to spur the healing process

he did have a CAT scan but there was only a preliminary report so I couldn’t get any details

his potasium level has returned to normal so there is no more need for extra calcium

did not have a chance to talk with any doctor

That just about does it--if I forgot anything I’ll report it tomorrow.

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