Thursday, January 28, 2010

Push It!

My mom and I went to see Uncle J tonight, all in all a pretty good visit. He was giving us the rundown on all of the upper body and arm exercises he has been doing with weights and telling us how strong he was getting. He told me to stand up and he held his arm out, palm down and told me to push on his wrist. I wasn't sure what was up, so I was quite tentative at first and only applied light pressure to which he demanded, "HARDER!" I did and I'll tell you what, he had me- he resisted any pressure I applied! He is really building his strength in his arms and I told him I was pretty sure that if we had a table to arm wrestle on, he would smoke me! YAY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Jon!!! Keep up with the weights!

Love, Barb