Friday, December 18, 2009

Roadblock Ahead

When the good Lord wants to put a halt to things some of us have to be hit over the head! Troubles began for Jon when he tried to transfer to another facility. It seems that the medication that he is on is not covered by Medicaid and is quite expensive, to boot. Our first choice of placement won't take him as long as he is on that medication. The social worker is looking into 2 other choices, one here in Defiance and another in Wauseon which is about forty minutes away from Defiance. When the director of the first facility told me they wouldn't take Jon ishe just said it was because of the IV. I didn't translate that as the medication being the problem but thought it was just the process of having people on IVs. Now that I know it is the medication I rather doubt that the other two places will take him since the medicine is not only not covered by Medicaid but is also quite expensive.

Jon's solution to the problem is "Fine, I will just switch back to the pills!" I can only imagine the amount of badgering he gave the wound doctor. I have on occasion said "have it your way" although lately my solution is to just walk out of the room. This doctor, however, finally gave in and said okay when he leaves he can be switched to the pills. The other two doctors who have, I gather, top priority have said absolutely no way, no how, is he going to switch back to the pills.

Jon's response was okay I'll just sign myself out of here--who knows where he thought he'd go....After some heated discussion with the social worker, bless her heart, he was convinced that leaving against doctors advice might possibly cut him off of any further coverage by Medicaid. He has reluctantly agreed to stay put and she is continuing to check out other facilities. You know how disappointed he is when he says that there is no point in our coming down for Christmas if he can't be at home. Meanwhile, I have dibs on a 2 hour stay in the activity room on Christmas day which I will know more about later today. On the way home I was even running through people we know who might not be using their van.

Yesterday was Greg's birthday and Carol and I came home from Columbus in time to pick up a cake and some Kentucky fried chicken for his birthday supper. (This is after dealing with Jon) Sat down to enjoy the meal and discovered they had not packed up several of the items I thought we needed so went back to get them. It was late by now-eightish and people were hungry enough that when I came back they had finished eating and seemed quite full, thank you! After cake and cards everyone but Angelique left and we settled down to a game of Scrabble. When it was over--she clobbered me--she went to the bathroom and noticed a dripping noise. We checked and nothing seemed to be dripping anywhere but now it sounded like water was running. We checked in the closet behind the bathroom and tried to turn off the water but to no avail. I made a frantic call to a friend in the plumbing business. After checking to make sure I had turned the water off correctly he noticed that the meter wasn't running and announced we had a broken pipe somewhere between the side of the house and the meter. Another call to the water department who of course had to know the correct spelling of our name and could we spell it slower, and then the address, we had to wait for a call from the person who would actually come and turn the water off at the street. My friend stuck around until the fellow came and helped him stab in the dark along the street until he finally hit the shut off valve. All in all, I think I have about an hour's worth of gushing water in my crawl space and soaking into the walls of the bathroom and 2 closets and probably the flooring and insulation. Sooooo, no I won't be having Jon come home to Defiance for Christmas--I might not even be home for Christmas. (And I didn't have to be hit in the head that hard, Lord.)

To top if off the lady from Toledo who is supposed to check out the house is scheduled to come around 11, stuff from the closet is everywhere, I have a therapy appointment at 9.

It is now after 8, I can call the plumber and my insurance agent and get things rolling. Hope your Christmas plans are going a lot smoother and mine. We'll probably take Angelique up on her offer and spend part of the day at her apartment if we can't get the 2 hours at the retirement center.

Again, You have a good holiday and we'll keep you posted on things--

P.S. Jon's Dad fell last week-end and had 2 collapsed vertebrae. He was operated on Monday and had them filled with a special hardening agent and is recuperating at Barb's. He seemed much better yesterday and ought to feel up to being back at his apartment some time next week, if not before.

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