Thursday, September 17, 2009

Progress--Slow but Steady

Jon continues to make good progress. He is now off the feeding tube and takes all his medicine orally. If he remains stable for 6 weeks without needing the feeding tube for anything-including meds- it can be taken out. His visit to the urologist went well-nothing appears to be wrong and he learned about the other options to total catheterising. His physical therapist has won two arguments with the staff. One we welcome and another we look on with some trepidation. A few weeks ago the railings on Jon's bed were removed because they are "restraints"--ones we welcome but nevertheless restraints in the eyes of the government. Matt (PT) has been wanting to get rid of the bed we thought we would like but never really seemed to work in with their wound care practices. In addition, it didn't get all the servicing we thought it needed. Anyway, a new bed came today...minus any railings and narrower. It, too, is an air bed. It can be set to several controls and at the moment pulsates every ten minutes.

The other point Matt has been trying to succeed at is getting Jon on a bowel control program. He was finally successful and we are pleased. On the 29th Jon has an appointment with an Ears, Nose Throat Specialist to set a timeline for getting rid of his trach. The optometrist comes tomorrow and we hope he brings Jon's new glasses. His old ones are really pathetic. How they survived the accident is beyond me.

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