Sunday, December 7, 2008

No $#@!, Dick Tracy!

Today, Grandma and I went to visit Uncle J. This was my first time to see him at his new digs and since Thanksgiving. He was not in the greatest of spirits and at one point I told him he was pretty crabby, to which he replied, "Wouldn't you be?" I told him I probably would but that to get better he needed to get a more positive attitude and he had to really try to do the rehab exercises, to which I was greeted with, "No $#@!, Dick Tracy!" Grandma had never heard this expression and added it to the list of our goofy expressions, along with "My bad." I tried to ignore his sour mood and told him some of my funny moving stories, which got a few half smiles. At one point Aunt Barb called and I was trying to ask him a question, he would look at me, but make absolutely no move to speak. I asked if he was ignoring me and I still got nothing. Then he wanted me to scratch his chin. I said, you want me to scratch you chin and you are ignoring me! He said what did I want and I asked him again. He begrudgingly answered. I think at this point there is just FRUSTRATION all the way around. Though it's understandable that he's not Mr. Sunshine, please pray for a more positive attitude to help him get through this. Thanks again!

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