Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tried and Tired...You Just Move a Little "i"

Maybe it's a little odd or maybe it's just me, but when thinking of what to call this post, it struck me the small difference between these two words. Uncle J is trying (and has tried) to make it on his own, and he is being tried, and he is tired. He is having difficulty breathing because he has so much secretions from his lungs. He had to be moved back to ICU because he will be suctioned more frequently than on the floor he was on last night. He had another deep cleaning this morning and I'm sure they got a lot of gunk (strict medical term) :) out of his lungs. They did another chest X-ray to see if there were any changes, but they were still the same and had not gotten any worse. He continues not to interact much, has no desire to eat, and claims he is just "tired." We are hoping he can pull himself out of it, but it is to be expected at times. Thank you to all those of you who continue to keep yourselves updated via this blog and those who continue to visit. Hopefully something will raise his spirits over the next few days...

1 comment:

Rodney said...

Hey Jon, Hang in there brother!!! I know u gotta be tired of all the bullshit ur goin through but the first frost has arrived and the harvest is on! The good shit is hangin to dry and the early stuff is mighty tasty. Don't worry... I'll save you some!!! I'll see you soon.
Love ya, Cousin Rodney