Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Visitor filled weekend

Friday Jon was in the electric wheel chair again for 2 hours. After physical therapy was over, we went on a ride around the inside of the center and then took a short trip outside. He was doing so well on his oxygen saturation that the PT took him from 4 liters to 3 liters. He was still satting at 95 so we lowered it to 2 liters for a while. When we went outside, we took it back up to 3 liters and checked again when we came back in and it was still 95 so we lowered to 2 again. I know this doesn't make sense to most of you, the short of it is that he is able to handle less oxygen. That is one of the goals is to get him off the oxygen so it was a good thing. We took it back to 4 liters when he was put back in bed. After Jon got back in bed I read the fact sheet they out for "today in history". Jon listened to the facts okay. On the back was a word search. I thought it would be good mental exercise so I asked him if he wanted to find some. After the 3rd one he said "I'm done". I found one and showed him and he started again. He ended up finding them all. For about 3 of them I would give hints "I found panda. It starts in the 3rd row" or something similar and he would find them. He seemed to enjoy it. I went down to the activity room and asked if they had some word searchs. She said yes and gave me xerox pages of 7 different puzzles including a word scramble.

Friday evening Greg and a friend Shawn came down to spend the weekend. Jon was more communicative this weekend than he was last weekend. He was not his old self but definitely improved from last weekend.

Saturday I asked Greg and Shawn to do another word search with him. He did very well and again seemed to enjoy it. Jon was interactive with both. Jon had a rough afternoon with his breathing. He asked to be suctioned 4 times in about 3 1/2 hours. That is alot in a short time period. We used the "pickle" to help break it up more and it worked. They left about 9:00pm. I went back around 10:15 to help with the last check before the Aides shift change and then stayed for the first check on night shift. I left at 12:38 am. This night nurse is very nice and helps the aide in checking Jon so I don't have to worry about whether he will be checked and if it is on time or not.

Sunday I went in around 10:15am (so much for 8:15- my intended time). Greg and Shawn came in around 11:15 and I went to to the 2nd service at church. Dad had gone to first and so he got there around noon. During service our Uncle Bill and Aunt Judy called. I said I would call back around 1:00 when service was over. Little did I know that they were coming to Columbus as they were flying out of Port Columbus and they wanted directions to Jons'. It all worked out well though as I called them around 1:15 and they were just at Polaris. I walked them through directions on how to get to Jons and I literally got there about 1 minute before them. My mom is in Traverse City for my cousin's sons high school graduation and she called while I was directing our aunt and uncle so I called her back. As I walked into Jon's room, I was on the phone with relatives from Traverse City and Aunt Judy and Uncle Bill behind me. Greg, Dad and Shawn were already there. So Jon went from famine to feasting on visitors. Jon talked to about 5 people on the phone and then visited with Aunt Judy and Uncle Bill. After everyone left I let Jon rest and I went down to the lounge to take a nap myself. Later Jon did a word scramble on different birds. Again, he seemed to enjoy the mental challenge. We worked on exercising his hands and legs. Before I left him for the night, he said he enjoyed the weekend and all the visitors today.

It is my bedtime so I bid you all a good night and thank you for checking in. Please continue praying. If anyone would like to call and talk to Jon you are welcome to call me talk to him. If it is not a good time we will call you back. My number is 614-403-6834. I am off for 10 weeks from my primary job so you can call during the day. He is usually in therapy from 1 to 3, other than that our days are pretty open. Thanks again.

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