Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back on track!

All the roadblocks back to Dodd have been hurdled: pneumonia, diarrhea, methadone...all cleared up. Thyroid test came back normal and the only problem at this point was with his echo cardiogram. Normal is 50% or better and he had a score of 45%. The doctor recommends another test in 3 months and make a comparison and then a decision if something is needed.

SO we've just traveled back through the tunnel to Dodd Hall, Room 3147 and therapy!! He is more upbeat and this time looking forward to therapy instead of fighting it...we hope this continues. It's time for some serious work which he's been trying to gear up for.

When Carol and I got to his room yesterday he announced he had been awake for 30 some hours. Whenever anyone came in to the room he updated the count until he was finally at 34 hours straight. When we left last night his eyes were getting droopy. Since he wasn't counting the hours when we arrived this morning we're assuming he did get some sleep. He will probably miss all the young student nurses that took care of him first thing in the morning.

He's happy, talkative and very entertaining to all the staff. He's really working on calling everyone by name and getting his memory back. It takes less prompting for him to remember an event. Meanwhile, there won't be a soul who doesn't know our entire family history by the time he leaves.

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