Sunday, October 26, 2008

Everything Changes

On October 23, 2008 Jon was involved in a motorcycle accident that left him seriously injured and with major mountains to overcome. He has suffered two fractured cervical vertebrae (C1, C6), four thoracic vertebrae suffered burst fractures, two right and one left rib fractures. He suffered very little external damage, save for a few scrapes and bruises to the head. He is currently experiencing paralysis and is on a ventilator which supplies six breaths per minute. He is wearing a halo and had to have a tracheotomy. There is not much to do but hurry up and wait, praying for the best. As Jon, our family, and friends continue down this long path, the continued prayer, love, and support given by all is deeply appreciated.

1 comment:

Angelique ~Niece~ said...

We love you uncle J. You're gonna get through this!