Saturday, November 29, 2008

Day Two at Green Springs

Jon had a chance to meet with more of the staff today. The occupational therapist stopped by to assess Jon’s physical condition and was generally pleased with his arm and shoulder movements. She looked at the exercises he was doing at Parkview and was pleased with how everyone was doing them on their own with Jon, especially Carol and Joe. We were again impressed with their matter of fact approach to what Jon will learn to do and what his goals are for the stay. Getting him up and used to sitting in a wheelchair will be a big step as that allows him to go out of his room and “widen his world view.” We were impressed with Jon’s inventiveness in devising a method of using his finger with the oxygen measuring device to scratch his nose and chin (I believe the technical name for it is a pulse oximeter but not the kind that looks like a mini-clothespin.) Sometimes he has trouble making it to the desired spot but his reach is improving a lot. In fact, it seems his left arm has more range of motion. Maybe they ought to switch hands for measuring the amount of oxygen in his blood!

Carol was busy trying to post some of the many inspirational cards she has printed and laminated to put on the wall. Unfortunately, two sided tape isn’t as strong as she thought it would be and will have to go to the kind of “putty” teachers use in their rooms to put student’s work on the walls.

Jon has a way of putting family to work when they come to visit. Yesterday his Dad was working on messaging his hands and today I was scratching his head--his hair hasn’t been washed in over 5 weeks and I can only imagine what it feels like; Carol and Barb were doing leg exercises with him and he asked Carol’s friend, Dave, to message his arm...kinda looked like he was at an exclusive spa!

We got the TV set up so he can watch TV or listen to music. They had just moved him to his other side; they are changing his position every 2 hours as he already has a small bedsore....and we left him to have a quiet time to himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi again all, I haven't been on in about a week and wow was I surprised at all the changes and happenings. Way to go Jon for getting moved and all the hard work you have been doing. I can only imagine all the changes you have been going thru. Just remember 1 day at a time and all the little steps along the way get you to the big step. You are in our daily prayers and obviously they are being listened to. Bless your whole family for all the work they are doing for you also. Glad Barb is dangling that pie out to you, what a great insentive lol.
Continue with all you are doing and we love you.
Cousin Deb